
designer, developer, and marketing professional Anthony Cece

Creative Intelligence. Driven by Results.

Whether it’s creating compelling branding, strategic event promotion, or developing a more dynamic presence on the web—Anthony has over seventeen years of experience working with the print and web based technologies that get the job done. Anthony’s work runs the gamut from the production of printed collaterals to web application development. Based in Ann Arbor for over a decade, Anthony has worked extensively with various clients at the University of Michigan on a wide array of projects—both in print and for the web. Currently, Anthony is a creative/integrated marketing specialist working for the College of LSA.

the WHO

Vestibulum lobortis. Donec at euismod nibh, eu bibendum quam. Nullam non gravida purus, nec eleifend tincidunt nisi. Fusce at purus in massa laoreet.

the WHAT

Vestibulum lobortis. Donec at euismod nibh, eu bibendum quam. Nullam non gravida purus, nec eleifend tincidunt nisi. Fusce at purus in massa laoreet.

the WHY

Vestibulum lobortis. Donec at euismod nibh, eu bibendum quam. Nullam non gravida purus, nec eleifend tincidunt nisi. Fusce at purus in massa laoreet.

It’s Elegantly Responsive

Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante. In vitae tempus nunc. Etiam adipiscing enim sed condimentum ultrices. Cras rutrum blandit sem, molestie consequat erat luctus vel. Cras nunc est, laoreet sit amet ligula et, eleifend commodo dui. Vivamus id blandit nisi, eu mattis odio.

  • Smart 50% 50%
  • Flexible 80% 80%
  • Beautiful 40% 40%

With Our Most Advanced Page Builder Yet.

Vestibulum lobortis. Donec at euismod nibh, eu bibendum quam. Nullam non gravida purus dolor ipsum amet sit.

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