Mahalo at a Player When You See One in the Street

There are quite a few people I owe a deep sense of gratitude towards in my attempt at the Hawaii Ironman. All the friends and family who were never short on encouraging words or understanding about my near social disappearance. HED Cycling and HP Bikeworks for helping scramble to find a near-solution for my bum front wheel heading into the race. The folks at GU Promotions for sending out a huge box of nutrition (in my favorite flavors no less) heading into the race, it went to good use. Garmin and all the folks associated, not only for providing the tools necessary to track my training and record this race for posterity, but also for notes of encouragement. The crew at Bikesport Michigan for taking care of my bike needs heading into Hawaii, and especially Tom Demerly for his awesome pep-talk prior to my leaving for the race. WTC and Ben Fertic for making my participation in this race possible. Autumn for her sage wisdom and conversation. But in the end, the one person without whom this whole adventure would not have even been possible or nearly as enjoyable (and not coincidentally probably one of the few who will even end up reading this), my mom–maybe next time it’s you we’ll be cheering across the finish line. Many thanks. Mahalo one and all.

Start from the beginning, Part One: The Race